Thursday, April 28, 2016

County Commissioner convicted of 15 felonies

Former Rockingham County Commissioner W.L. Pryor charges a Neely Chronicle photographer during a soiree thrown by Economic and Tourism Development at the former Eden Country Club.  W.L. threatened to beat the photographer's ass for harshing his mellow.

But, the sad news about W.L. is he has just been convicted of 15 felonies related to gambling.  Pryor will have to pay a $15,000 fine and serve 12 months on probation.

Pryor is probably best remembered for lecturing the county's many unemployed for not attending Rockingham Community College.

Pryor had a failed run for the N.C. Senate.  Click here to see a list of his major contributors.

Pryor was once the most powerful man in Rockingham County.  He ruled everything, everywhere!

Is anyone starting to notice a trend with our local lawmakers?

Read all about it here.


  1. What is up with you? WL will not be a felon if he keeps his nose clean for a year. That is the most important part of the sentence. $15K is nothing to Dubby. He probably made 5X that keeping his sweepstakes place open.

  2. Dubby has options that would likely not be available to your average felon.
