Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Ron Price acolyte seeks Commissioner seat

Ron Price acolyte and School Board member Josh Austin has announced he is running for the Rockingham County Board of Commissioners.

Austin joins six other Republicans and a single Democrat in the race to the top.  Filing ends Monday December 21 at noon.

1 comment:

  1. Wow.. I did not know that Rockingham County school board members had personal assistants. If you are accusing him of this because of their voting record then there is a lot of acolyte's on the board just following the politically correct ways. I had no idea when two men thought alike that they can't maintain their separate identities just because some of their views and opinions are the same does not mean that one is following the other or one is an assistant to the other. These are two great men who do not follow the other and who have their separate identities. Reidsville review use step once again to the lowest of low because you have nothing more to go on you couldn't even give the candidate his own headline to me this is pathetic. Once again you are a true media source you didn't even have the journalist to call and get an interview with the candidate you just write something spontaneous like this we know how much time you put into your articles now. Guess your not paying your journalists enough.I think Josh Austin would make a great County Commissioner and if he must be label let him be labeled as a husband, a father, a brother, a son, a hard worker ,and the most selfless man I know. I know now why people refer to the Reidsville paper as the Reidville excuse! A tree can't even be cut down and die with dignity when your words are printed on it. Please put forth a little more effort in your paper that is if there is any.
